Browse Files

King's Court (FFA)

A large arena with a corridor system around the outside. Physics have been modified to make sure there's always someone who wants you dead, and lots and lots and lots of baddies have been added. Good for a "see if you can stay alive for more than 30 seconds" run on TC, if you're not hiding in a corner somewhere.

Marathon Xperiments

Two maps (well, there are three, but the first and the third are identical) with some very interesting physics experiments. The first map has a very useful jetpack built into the second trigger of every weapon. One of the best I've used. The second has some pretty serious weapons modifications... as a solo test level, this one'll keep you coming back for more, and as a net level... well, carnage rates will be pretty absurd. Nicely done, as experiments go. Give 'em a try!


Mark's been making Marathon maps since he could. (4+ years now.) He's collected up his best netmaps, retextured or retooled maps originally built for older Marathons, and added a few new designs. The package contains 18 maps, a few of which are variations on a theme. Carnage is quite high in single-player mode, due to the heavy concentration of aliens... most or all of which disappear in multiplayer mode. If you're looking for a netpack that your gaming group can load up and play for a while on your lunchbreaks, look no further.