Browse Files

Gladiator Station

A tight level, space station? Lighting is very nicely done - dark, but plenty of detail. Some really fun eye candy. A save term (very odd for a net level!). Unmerged on purpose, so you can add whatever physics you like. More weapons and ammo than you can shake a pfhorstaff at. Be careful with that SPNKR... you're more liable to hurt yourself than you enemies!

Brain Fade

A large Evil map, with a nice combination of claustrophobic spaces and wide-open arena-like areas. (Too many big weapons for the claustrophobic spaces, imo... but some folks like that.) Some line of sight problems if played under normal Evil, but it works without a hitch when using the Evil Addon for Aleph One. Go nuke someone!

Pfhor Years and Seven Months 1.5

Mostly dark, and mostly underwater (okay, sewage). A few walkways on the surface... beware of grenades knocking you off. Plenty of ammo, but no O2... so you gotta kill each other before you run out. (Shouldn't be too hard.)

Carnage Among Enemies -SDL-

An Aleph One/SDL conversion of Carnage Among Enemies. Converted by Craig Caroon.

Rising Sun -SDL-

An Aleph One/SDL conversion of Rising Sun. Converted by Craig Caroon.

Simplici7y Contest Entries

In April/May 2000, held a mapmaking competition in which the goal was to make the most interesting map with only 7 polygons. The top 7 maps won prizes...

Richard's Ten

A pretty amazing nethop pack, in that all the maps are quite good on their own - so 10 of them together is mindbending. These maps are medium-to-large, but still playable by smaller groups - flow is quite good overall.