Browse Files

Hand Grenades

A pretty good shapes patch for weapons. This patch will give both of your fists a grenade in each hand. The only sequences that looked a little strange was the grenades in the hands sequence. These grenades bounce just like the cyborg mines and if you are too close, watch out.

Bob Tiles

It's hard to tell from my screenshot, but this texture patch gives you textures that are psuedo 1960's. At least that is how they looked to me. The best set of textures in the bunch seemed to be the pfhor group. Alot of Peter Max looking swirls and neons combine to give you a completely different world of Marathon. Worth the download if for no other reason than to just check out another authors perspective.

Big Headed Bobs

A shapes patch that will turn your bobs into the author. Or, at least that who I think it is supposed to be. For the most part the sequences are pretty clean.

R2700 MA Blaster

A pretty good shapes patch for the assault rifle. It looks to be the authors own rendition and seeing the other work he has done, this one falls right in line. Really, the only difference here between the patch and the assault rifle is the graphics.