Fm: Pfhor Winds v4

Initially Created: 12-20-95

Specs: Initially created on an 040 with Pfhorte. Runs great on any mac that runs Marathon2 and Infinity.

Pfhor Winds is one of the most liked maps I have ever made. It is one of my personal favorites as well, because I have racked up many hours in this with fellow Marabuds.

Pfhor Winds is a flowing heart-pumping map that leads danger around every turn. With an arena in the center for the arena dudes, it poses a great challenge due to the ring of "safety" water surrounding it. The waterway leads out through pfhor different access paths, so getting around is very easy. Also with the additional pfhor doors that lead out from the center, one can cut off a foe in little less than 10 seconds. I speak from experience.

Pfhor Winds will work on virtually any mac that can run Marathon2 and Infinity. It has been optimized for smooth play and visual esthetics. Along with its tactical mind games it can be very fun for everyone.

The funny map notes are from the hours of play with friends. We would come up with descriptions for areas, so we could reminisce about "blowing you away from Mr. Hidey Hole" or "killing brymen at his last stand". I guess you just had to be there.

Levels in map "FM-Pfhor Winds v4":
Pfhor Winds v4