Space Survival v2.5

A solo net level, very well done. It builds on the Rocket Marines patch, and sticks you in an arena (actually, a pair of them) with lots of ammo, lots of powerups (don't worry, you'll need 'em), and some truly beefed-up computer opponents. You've got marines firing grenades, jugg missiles, and spnkrs... and you've got pfhor firing guns! Nasty... If you can't get the adrenaline flowing with a few minutes of this map, you're probably dead. This update adds a second version of the map, which acts much more like a practice net level (everything shoots normal ammo, and all marines move at normal marine speed). Several performance and aesthetic tweaks were also added. If you can stay alive for more than a few minutes at TC, consider yourself good at this stuff.

Levels in map "SpaceSurvival 2.5":