Toren Vs. Simon RAMBO v1.0

Now this is a fun level to watch. This is Toren and I killing each other on physics "ramboXXXIII". This is funny because once one person has a good shot at the other, the other person is either dead, or takes considerable damage. I like to use the pistol, and Toren got the fusion. The problem with fusion is that on good hit and your dead. Grenades were especially fun.

If you don't know how to change your physics file, this is what you do: 1) make sure the physics file "ramboXXXIII" is copied into your physics folder. Go into the marathon disc, open anvil, open sample models, and drag the file to your physics folder within marathon infinity folder. 2) Open marathon infinity. select "preferences", "enviornment", "physics", "ramboXXXIII". 3) Run the film.