Created by Herman Ulltin

Herman's Network Maps 1.0

6 of Herman Ulltins best network levels. Most of these are large and can be played KotH, EmFH or KtmWtB. Some of these levels have been released already here at the archive, but most of them have been reworked. Some very good large net levels here for your next carnage fest.

Herman's Network Maps

6 of Herman Ulltins best network levels. Most of these are large and can be played KotH, EmFH or KtmWtB. Some of these levels have been released already here at the archive, but most of them have been reworked. Some very good large net levels here for your next carnage fest.

Bloody Bodies Running Around

A small network map that supports EMfH, KtMwTB and KoTH. Flow is good and the platforms, etc. are fairly fast. Texture choices were good and there are some great hiding places to perch out and wait to pick off you fellow marines.

Death Repeats

A large net level that is best played KotH. A very tall and large hill in the middle of a medium sized arena. Access to the hill is via teleporter in one of the enclosed hallways that has ammo/weapons located in it. Will support KotH, EmfH and KtMWtB. If you leave the aliens on, be careful, "they're everywhere"!

Carnage Time

A medium sized net map that has great flow along with some very interesting switches. These switches will open up a small room that is a teleporter that takes you straight to the 2x shield recharge. Two rings wrap around this medium sized arena that is 1.5 world units or so lower. Accessible by stairs the arena itself isn't very large and you will also find a couple of pillars to aide in your dodging. A very fast map with good flow. EmFh supported and should add to some high carnage rates.

Disco Duck

A large net map that is made up of three medium sized arena's tied together with some passageways. These halls could be represented as rings. A very fast map, some great construction ideas and enough ammo and guns for eight. Will support EmfH, KotH and KtmWtB. A great large net map, this author has gotten better with every map. The spankr is present, but due to the tightness of the passageways, etc., your aim needs to be taken in care.

Stay Alive v1.1

A multi level large KOtH map. A square hill surrounded by a small arena with a few pillars that can get in the way if you use the spnkr a lot. A enclosed ring wraps around the arena with elevators to a upper ring that wraps the whole map. A enclosed passageway from the upper ring takes you directly to the hill. The elevators are set at a great speed and their is enough ammo/weapons for 6 to 8. Few sounds to speak of, but, this one is optimized for speed and flow. Even on the longest line of sight I got very good results. A few misaligned textures and some sharp angles, but a fast map with ...

The Legend of Carnage

A very large open air arena with a pretty big hill located in the middle. The arena that surrounds the hill is 2 W.U. lower and filled with chest high sewage. There is a outside ring that wraps around the arena that is elevated above the whole arena. It seems that this is another redo of two other maps submitted today, but, this is the better one of the three. Comes with baddies which will allow you to practice staying alive. There's a lot of them.

What's Love Got To Do With It v1.1

A large outdoor arena map with a hill, well, a quasi hill placed towards the middle. Almost a outdoor version of the Stay Alive map, this one is fast too, but, the elevators are at different heights when they zip you up to the ring. Thus, flow is severely disrupted while you wait to take another ride. Some very sharp angles on some of the polys could have been avoided. Same texture choices as the map listed earlier, but overall, a pretty good effort. Will support KoTH and EMFH.A previously released map at the archive. This update now fixes some elevators and a few other tweaks.
